what NOT to wear |
what NOT to wear |
Casual Friday's does not mean that you can go to work with sweatpants, flip flop, holes in your jeans, many piercings or tattoos, tank top, etc. As I have emphasized in many of the other blogs professionalism is key and very important. You do not want to risk the company's reputation because of the apparel that you are wearing. You are aloud to be comfortable for work on these days but at the same time remember that you still need to be neat and tidy. Make sure that your shoes are always clean, not having any dirt on your running shoes and stains on you clothing. Men need to be groomed, especially their facial hair. You do not want to look sloppy when going to work just because you know that you don't have to get all dressed up. Do not wear Hawaiian shirts, leave those for days when going to the beach or other occasion. Wearing hat/caps is not acceptable when working in an office. Finally, make sure you DO NOT show off your boxers/underwear in the work place. No one wants to see what you are wearing underneath your pants. Women, keep the tight dresses for a night out, not when going to work. So even though you have the privilege to be a little more comfortable on a casual Friday, do not abuse that privilege. Be wise when choosing your wardrobe and as i have said many times before ALWAYS LOOK PROFESSIONAL.

When it comes to being a hairdresser or working in a retail store you are allowed to get away with a lot. Wearing ripped jeans, v-necks, lower tops, higher heels and shorter skirts are all acceptable because you are in the fashion world. Heavier makeup and a lot more jewelry is also acceptable because you may be trying to make a statement. Of course, you do not to reveal too much and look too inappropriate because you always need to look professional. You do not want to make you customer or client uncomfortable with how you dress. You can always wear a tailored jacket or apparel that you would wear in an office also. You may want to consider looking up to date when working in the fashion industry. The purpose of an individual working in the fashion industry is to dress differently and funky, always keeping in mind that funky and crazy is good but there is always a professional line that should not be crossed. When going to a club you can get away with showing more skin but when going to work that may be offensive and gross to some. So even though you can get away with wearing different clothing and may be easier to dress in the mornings always keep in mind that professionalism is very important and key.
If you are teacher you are allowed to get away with a little more. Of course, there is always a line that should not be crossed. Khaki pants and a blouse are acceptable, wearing dresses that are appropriate because you are dealing with young children. Being comfortable is always a must because you are on you feet the majority of the day. Shoes must obviously also be comfortable. In warm weather capri's, shorts passed the knee are most suitable. Always have to keep in mind that you are at work and must always be professional. Loose fitting and tailored is best, if you are curvaceous the you will want to avoid clingy clothing. Some may tell you to avoid wearing sleeveless because it is too casual for the classroom. Leave the jewelry at home. You are dealing with kids and do not want to break or even lose anything valuable or even meaningful.
When dressing for an interview your first impression should always be a great one. The first impression you make is always the most important. Males should always show up with a suit, tie, dress shoes and very clean and neat. Women can also wear a suit. Not too much makeup, No jewelry is better then wearing cheap jewelry. Always make sure to look clean when going to an interview. Solid colours are always safer to wear becasue you do not want to go to crazy with your clothing especially depending on where you will be working. It does not hurt to look up what is the best attire to wear when going to certain places. Do not be ashamed if you do not know what to wear, ask a family member or a friend to guide you in the most professional direction. It is better to be safe then sorry, being reassured that you may get the job because your first impression was great is always a good sign.

Casual apparel for women is a little easier. Women need to keep covered and keep it very classy. You want to keep yourself covered. Business casusal doesnt not mean to be sexy. Therefore, any cleavage is not appropriate at all. Keep the colours neutral, this does not mean to wear everything tan coloired but navy, grey, browns ect are very appropriate colours. Pencil skirts, tailored blazers, heels and button down tops are all very sophisticated but should not be worn all at once because it is too dull. When wearing a skirt make sure that the length of it is knee length. As I said for business casual for men when it comes to jeans make sure they are darker with no holes in them. Dark sweaters and blouses are recommended rather then wearing lighter colours that would not be approriate for the occasion. Make sure that your clothing is fitted but also not too tight. When choosing your wardrope be sure to look neat and classy. Anything with buttons missing, not pressed, rips ect should not be worn in a casual business environment.
When it come for business casual apparel for men there are a few things to keep in mind. Even if it is a casual day you alwasys want to makes sure that males are still wearing professional clothing sucha as a suit, tie, dress pants, dress shoes ect. Navy, grey, black, kaki green are all appropriate colours for casual business for men. Wearing light blues, pink, orange underneath a jacket is also fine if you are wanting to funk up your outfit. Instead of always wearing a a suit and tie it is also approprate to wear a button down or knit shirt. Dark denim can be risky because it may be a little too casual but it at times can still be worn with a dress shirt and clean pair of shoes. Be sure to always press/iron your clothing if they are wrinkled. It looks very messy and unprofessional to look like you just got out of bed. It does not hurt to over dress if you are not certain of what to wear. It is not always necessary to wear a tie but if you do make sure to wear a solid colour or with a preofessional design on it. Anything with silly faces or cartoons on it is not appropriate for the time or place. Make sure your shirts are tucked-in and long sleeves. Rolling up your sleeves when you are attending a meeting is unprofessional. Be sure to make wise decisions when choosing what to wear, just becasue it is a casual day does not mean you can bring out the sweat pants and hoodies to work.
When it comes to caual apparel some may think that what you wear at home is appropriate. In this blog i will talk about a what isnt appropriate at work even if it is casual. Wearing your favourite old t-shirt, ripped jeans (even though they are in style) and old runners are not what should be worn to work. You want to look very clean and fresh. You want to remember the 'Business' part of casual, so leave the comfortable clothing at home. Be sure that your attire is not too baggy and not too tight also. You want a comfortable fit that does not accentuate certain aprts of the body. Showing off your bra or pants that show your panty line is not appropriate for the workplece. Spaghetti straps and gladiator sandals are also not recommended unless told otherwise.it When wearing a skirt it hould not be any higher then 2 inches above the knee. Mini skirts are not professional at all. As for males, when wearing a dress shirt be sure that you sleeves are not rolled up. It is not a sweater and you dont want to look sloppy and have a wrinkled shirt. Do not wear a short sleeved shirt when wearing a suit, make sure the sleeves are long. Don't wear different coloured pants and jacket, it does not work well together. As for the ties, make sure they are coloured or have a classy design. Wearing comic or silly ties are not appropriate for the workplace. Therefore, choose you clothing wisely so that you look professional at work and take your job seriously.